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When potential clients contact us when launching their CBD brand, it is a rarity they have put much thought into how they will drive traffic to the website to purchase their product. The more traffic you have visiting your website, the more chance one of these visitors will purchase a product from your CBD Shop. As paid advertising such as Facebook Ads or Google Adwords is not a viable method to create traffic, you must concentrate on organic techniques, such as creating fresh content and improving your rank on search engines. To do this, you must create an SEO strategy to not only keep your website up to date with new written content but you must also have in place a link building strategy.

Related Article: Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) For Your CBD Oil Website

SEO is very much like exercise, if you want a six-pack, a few situps over a two week period will not make a difference in the long term if A.) You don’t keep it up, B.) Your diet is crap. SEO is a long term strategy and you need to ensure you are feeding your website with the right type of content to increase your exposure and search ranking. You will only start to see your results months down the line and there could be unexpected bumps along the way, Google is in charge of the rulebook and they change periodically throughout the year.

Launched 2018 – The CBD Supplier

The CBD Supplier launched right at the end of 2018 and was well optimised from the get-go. It wasn’t until much later in the year would a steady link building campaign be assigned to the website. The first 10 months was spent further tweaking optimising the pages, adding further content to categories, adding additional products and loosely adding fresh content to the blog on a semi-regular basis.

10 months after launching, we were averaging around 2 clicks every and only included in 3.9k search results in for the month of September. The website consisted of 7 blog posts and a minimal amount of link building.

The CBD Supplier - Impressions - September

From October 2019, we began to actively build links to improve the ranking of the website. While doing so, we worked on the proven method of creating regular blog posts made up of around 1,000 words per article. By creating articles and blog posts for your website, you are able to discuss topics related to CBD in detail.

These articles you publish can then be found on a search engine when someone searches for similar keyphrases included in your article. By publishing regularly you end up increasing the amount of times your website is found in search results.

The CBD Supplier - Impressions - April

Link Building

Creating fresh content alone would not have resulted in the search impressions increasing without a link building campaign also being in place. When another website has a link back to your website, this is seen as a vote of confidence. The more reputable the website is linked from, the stronger the backlink is. The aim over time is to build a strong portfolio of backlinks from quality websites which have a good domain strength.

Depending on the urgency and your budget, there are a few different ways this can be achieved. To get The CBD Supplier started, we began building a backlink portfolio for a 6 month period before changing our strategy from May onwards to a more conservative plan.

The CBD Supplier Search Rank October 2019
The CBD Supplier - Ranking - September
The CBD Supplier Search Rank March 2020
The CBD Supplier - Ranking - March
Search Rankings - The CBD Supplier
What Is Next?

We have made some impressive progress and The CBD Supplier is closing in on the top pages for a number of high volume search terms. Currently, this equates to around 6 months worth of SEO work. Having worked in this industry for a couple of years now, there is a lot of competition however this competition is very much at the base level. Once you start building both content and links, within 6 – 9 months, you can noticeably see improvements in your ranking and website traffic.

By building backlinks you always run the risk of being flagged by Google and receiving a penalty if the process looks unnatural. Having carried out a rather aggressive campaign for the first few months to give us a foothold, we are now going to turn our attention to quality and stronger backlinks, rather than quantity for the foreseeable future.

Wesley Cude

Wesley Cude is the Founder of Cude Design and previously established The CBD Supplier, which he recently sold. A seasoned remote worker since 2013, he splits his time between London and Lisbon. Wesley is a driven entrepreneur with a keen focus on SEO.